Monday, October 31, 2011

Santa Fe, NM & Denver, CO

We drove up to Santa Fe on Thursday. We stayed with some family friends of Marly's in most definitely the nicest place we've stayed so far. We stayed in their 3 bedroom guest house. They were super nice to us. They made us dinner 2 nites in a row and gave us fancy wine to drink. This here is Tuck, their super sweet White Lab. 

Santa Fe! Tuck & Delta. BFF's.

This lady was giving Marly & I a run for our money. She's winning in a pretty major way.

Sunset driving into Denver. The drive from Santa Fe to Denver was supposed to be 6-ish hours, but it took us longer than that because we got stuck in a traffic jam for almost an hour. But I got to drive in my first traffic jam driving a stick shift car!!! And I didn't stall out once!! 

We stayed with my good friend Kristen and her husband Phil. I haven't seen her in years and years. She made us eggs & toast for breakfast Sunday morning. 

We walked around downtown Denver for a couple hours, then went to this restaurant that had a bloody mary bar!!! These are the bloody marys that we made.

One of the rent-a-bike stations in Denver.

We stayed with Kristen and Phil for 2 nites. Sunday Kristen & I woke up really ill. We caught a stomach virus. So I spent all of Sunday evening throwing up with a fever. Not how I wanted to spend my Denver time, but it happens I guess. Now we are in Salina, KS in a Motel 6. Tomorrow morning we will get up and drive to Baxter Springs, KS to Marly's grandmothers house.

1 comment:

  1. HEY!!!!!!! MARLY HERE!!! you neglected to mention some things, e-train. like the fact that kristen and phil RULE. their cat is delta's best friend (suck it, lemon). denver was excellent. i really enjoyed being out of the car and walking in the sunshine. also, those bloodies were TWO DOLLARS. amaing deal, even if they were weak.

    i want to live in that santa fe guest house. i'm sorry you have the stink bug, but you seem better. we'll have fun in the land of your birth. happy weirdest halloween ever!
